Wednesday, April 23, 2008
What Have I Become?
Once a vessel of hopes and dreams,
a vessel of thoughts and ideas,
now just another lonely shell
for the passerby to look and and say
'Wow, that is neat, I wonder where it came from?'
Well, it boils down like this.
The history of that shell can be traced back for many years.
The shell has been scrutinized and picked on,
successful and intelligent,
Funny and humorous,
talented and gifted...
But what is left now?
Nothing but an empty shell that stands for everything it was
Now what stands there is a shell, of a man
who has failed himself and the others around him.
This is the story of he has has fallen.
This story is mine!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
of the rest of your life.
I hope you enjoyed the journey up until now
because now life moves at a speed you probably aren't ready for.
Along the way, you'll love, learn, and fail.
You'll work, and work, and work some more.
You'll find happiness, encounter sadness, defeat loneliness
but also fall victim to hubris.
But that shouldn't get you down!
You have plenty to see and do,
that is unless you die early of heart failure
or diabetes, or something else.
You see those guys who stand over there, they are your new bunch of friends.
Most of them will be cool, some will appear cool and turn out to be douchebags
while others may start as people you despise, but you grow to care for.
But don't forget the others... no, those who were with you on the way here.
Werther or not you've seen them 10 minutes or 10 years ago.
Those were the best days of your life, live them like they were just that
Appriciate those who follow you.
Realize that it is not just you that you live for.
You are here to count for anyone before or after you.
Seems like a big responsibility huh?
But all you need to remember in the end is this.
Life is great, just don't let it bog you down.
It's not the end of the world...
just wake up and realize that today is the next chance for you to make a difference!
frozen to the ground.
Unmoving like a statue, built to stand the test
of time.
Time moves like a glacier,
cold, slowly and unforgiving.
Those who get in it's way are only added
to the masses.
So here you stand, frozen in time.
Neither going, nor staying.
Neither living or dead.
He's hoping you stay around long enough to make
a difference.
Monday, April 14, 2008
A heavy yoke of guilt crashes on my back,
I’m not a better man, so I let it consume me
The pressure eats away at my shoulderblades
As I am torn between right and wrong
I act as the crux... the untouched soul.
A virgin to the feelings of guilt
Unsure of how to react and realizing that the worst
Just might be on the upcoming horizon
To and fro.
The yoke leaves me in a state of constant
Flux as it relates to the balance of right and wrong
This is not a burden I carry alone.
Others carry it with me and it is those who survive this journey
Who I may call my friends.